Friendsgiving Thanksgiving: How to Host the BEST One Ever!

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The concept of Friendsgiving came about as a way to celebrate friendship and to provide a
place at the table for people whose families might be far away or unable to get together for
Thanksgiving. Over the years it has become a cherished tradition for many, chiefly a time to share food
and make meaningful memories during the holiday season. Our modular homes certainly offer the
perfect amount of space for hosting a gathering of your chosen family—your friends! To help
ensure your Friendsgiving is a great success, here are some tips that cover everything from
planning and preparation to cultivating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Regardless of where your family lives, Friendsgiving is a time for great time together.

Plan ahead. Whenever you have Friendsgiving, it can be a collaborative event, and one that specifically requires some advanced planning to make sure everything goes smoothly. Coordinate with your friends to set a date several weeks ahead to ensure everyone can attend. Create a shared online document or use a group chat to make sure everyone is in the loop and involved in the planning process.
Coordinate the menu. Friendsgiving is more fun when everyone participates by contributing a
dish! Instead of risking duplicates and to ensure a balanced meal, coordinate the menu ahead of time.
Work together to assign specific dishes or categories (appetizers, sides, desserts) to each
person or couple. Encourage people to get creative in the kitchen to make the feast more

Consider dietary restrictions. While planning the menu, ask guests about their dietary
preferences or restrictions to ensure there are options for everyone. Then, make sure everyone
is aware of any restrictions before they plan the dishes they are bringing.
Dine in a festive atmosphere. Create a fall mood for your Friendsgiving feast by decorating
your dining space in autumn colors, placing candles, and working on handcrafted table settings.
Put together a playlist of music that complements the cozy, celebratory atmosphere.
Plan after-dinner activities. The meal is the central component of Friendsgiving, but you are
getting together with your friends, after all. Incorporating some activities that add to the fun.
Board games, a DIY pie bar, or trivia can get the competition going, keep the energy high, and
create lasting memories.

Share gratitude. Friendsgiving, like Thanksgiving, is a time to express gratitude for the
friendships in your life. Take a moment during the meal to have each person share something
they are thankful for. It’s a simple way to remember the meaning behind the get-together.
Although it’s a relatively new phenomenon, Friendsgiving has nonetheless found a rightful place in people’s lives as a time to celebrate friendship, gratitude, and great meals. By planning ahead,
coordinating with your friends, and infusing the gathering with warmth and festive spirit, you can
indeed host a Friendsgiving that will be remembered fondly for years to come. Cheers to good friends and great times!