Should I Rent Or Buy A Manufactured Home?
february 5, 2021

When you are thinking of buying a manufactured home, you may want to compare that option with other housing options. For example, many people are drawn to homeownership due to the steep increase in rental costs. At the same time, people looking for homeownership have more alternatives these days. This is because manufactured homes offer a more cost-effective alternative to traditional ways of homeownership.
Despite all this, many potential homeowners always wonder if renting is a better option than purchasing a manufactured home. In this article, we compare the two options to determine which of the two is the best option for you. We start by looking at the benefits of manufactured homes.
One of the best things about manufactured homes is the degree to which you can customize your future home. Your house is a place where you are likely to spend a lot of time (more so with the new lockdown regulations due to COVID-19). This means that it needs to be a place that is absolutely customized for you. With manufactured homes, you can achieve this level of customization as you get to specify exactly what you want and how you want it. Rental houses however do not have this level of customization. You could look around until you find a house or apartment that meets your needs but it still won’t be as individualized as you would get in a manufactured home.
One of the advantages of buying a manufactured home is the level of quality that goes into the building. Remember that manufactured homes are built in a factory where all factors can be regulated. Everything is optimally dried, cured, and so on. This is unlike a non-manufactured home where the building is exposed to the elements. When building in a controlled environment such as a factory, it is easier to adhere to the latest building regulations and standards. This is why, more often than not, manufactured homes have higher quality standards than traditional homes.
Value For Money
If you own land where a manufactured home can be installed, then it is by far a better option than renting. This is because the value of the land and the house appreciate when you install a manufactured home on site. A manufactured home that is permanently installed on a piece of land is considered real estate and subject to the same market trends as a regular building. If your property rises in value, then it gives you a powerful financial tool that you can leverage to grow your wealth. These options are not available if you decide to rent.
Low Risk
Many people are not very experienced when it comes to the construction of homes. In many cases, they may end up living in sub-standard homes simply because they lack this expertise. Manufactured homes eliminate this risk because, just like any manufactured product, the homes have to conform to certain quality standards. The materials and the building itself are subject to quality checks and so on. This in fact is the major reason why many real estate experts recommend manufactured homes for first-time homebuyers.